subay fam's

subay adalah keluarga kecil yang bahagia di mana penghuninya ada
FRIDAY(berperan sebagai bunda yang selalu setia menjaga dan nasihati anak anaknya)
YOU SEEE(berperan sebagai ibu yang selalu mengeluarkan kata kata bijaknya jika terjadi sesuatu)
ENCI(berperan sebagai anak yang kalo ngomong nyolot dan berlibet libet dan cengeng haha)
NAY(berperan sebagai anak yang susah di bilangin palau batu haha)
FITRI(berperan sebagai anak yang selalu panik kalo ada sesuatu yang kalo cerita bikin penasaran)
PRILLY(berperan sebagai anak yang galauin si anak pecicilan dan ga jelas itu haha)
AYE(berperan sebagai anak yang pinternya di segala bidang kalo galau ya bareng sama dia haha)

subay yang selalu bikin gw bahagia tersenyum dan ngertiin perasaan gw, yang selalu ada buat gw yang selalu nyemangatin gw, yang buat gw bangkit dari keterpurukan gw.

(blue sky crazy girl)
hmm, she love blue so much. She is pretty girl, she always can be a good solution giving but i told you that she is CRAZY GIRL. If she want to do something, she’ll do that and dont care about everything. Lol ;p

(Leader Friday)
by the way her name is not Friday ;p tshe make it simple thats why i call her Friday. She’s Our Leader haha.. she always protect subay’s family hearts. Sometimes, she will be do something crazy to make us happy. She’s sweet, and can be a good mom for her child soon, im sure about that.  And the last one is, she’s not a stingy girl haha..
You see 
(Ice Princesse)
haha this is the smarty girl ;] her name is yusi, sometimes we call her yusay or uci. she’s so simple girl, she can handle something bad to be a better. She also a good solution giving. By the way dont make her annoyed, cause she will be a devil as fast as you blink your eyes hahaha.. sounds like im kidding? But honestly thats the truth. And she love to argue ;]
(Sunny Funny Girl)
she’s a chinesse girl, thats why we call her like that. Her name is nurhayati  ;] do you know what? She’s so cute person. She always sing a happy song or Indonesian country songs (dangdut) when one or more subay is feeling blue.. sounds annoying? Lol she’s not annoying, because of her voice, everyone can be happy and laughing :D
(Dancing Princesse)
she’s beauty and pretty.. she love to dancing. Cool right? Yeap!! But she’s so easy to angry and emotion at someone if they’re annoying her. She’s not really like to stay in her house all day and all night ;p and the last one is she really love her SAPI ß Her boyfriend ;]
(Bright Snow White)
her name is fitri but because of something secret, I called her like that. She’s so dilligent girl. She love to writing. I always disturb her send a lot of ping at bbm but she never mad at me. Honestly from the first time i know her until now,  we never fighting. About her boyfriend, hmm now he’s in relationship with bryant. He is her ex boyfriend’s friend. Lol thats the funny truth 
 (Charming Girl)
This is me ;p my name is ayvi, hmm for the first time maybe its so difficutl to spell my name. thats why they call me aye :p about my self? dont ask me. ask my girls and also my brother ;]

Note : Dont ask for a trouble to one of subay. cause if you hurt one, you have to remember that we are not alone, we care for each others, we are one. read that, understand, and you have to deal with it. but if you nice to us we will be nice to you too.if you treat right, we will treat you better.
Wanna be one of subay? sorry we just 7 and always be 7 cause we love 7 lol :D 
but dont worry, we still can be a bestfriend, but i remind you that you cant replace subay place although how cute, perfect, kind, pretty, awesome, amazing, charming, and funny you are, seriously subay is the best of the bestfriend. but dont worry we still can be a bestfriend ;]
Okay thats all, thanks for reading :D


Olla, today i wanna shared about 7 girls with our own couple ;p
 Its just for fun to shared our love story, bad or good. its still amazing story for us 
Happy Reading ;]

(Leader Friday)

The first one is our leader Friday, she’s couple name is yoga ;)
They are great couple, leader Friday loves him so much.
No matter how much he make her sad, she still love him like the first time they meet.
Fav Note of them :
"I will always love you, and you will always be in my heart"
(blue sky crazy girl)
About the blue sky crazy girl, she love someone.
They are adorable couple. Simple but have a lot of memories.
And im sure, that they never can forget about every moment they been through.
Fav Note of Them :
"I love you. I'll always be here for you"
You see 
(Ice Princesse) 
And about the ice princesse’s love story,
She love’s her aki ;p seems like our leader Friday, she loves him no matter what.
He hurt her, make her sad and cry but she dont even care about that, cause she love him.
How amazing she is.
Fav Note of Them :
"Sweet Heart"
(Sunny Funny Girl)
And this is it, the sunny funny girl ;]
Her couple is wildan, he’s a cute boy. And you know what? If the funny girl meet the cute boy,
They are prefectly be a super cute couple.
(Dancing Princesse)
Dancing pricesse love story is cool !!! she love her ‘sapi’ ;p
cool girl meet a cool boy ;]
Have a cool son and cool daughter . I think they’ll be a cool family .
(Bright Snow White) 
About bright snow white love story, now she’s not with bryant anymore.
But i think she’s in love with a boy named ridho ;]
They are like a confusing couple but they’re happy with that. Its a so sweet couple :D
Fav Note of Them :
"Im Waiting for you"
 (Charming Little Girl)
And the last one is about my love story, haha i think my story is the most stupid love story.
I love him, he love me. But we cant be together anymore cause now, he’s in the heaven now :D
So much memories about him, Im promise I’ll never forget about that. Even though he is not in my side anymore, its not change my feeling for him. He is my first love, and first love is never die.
Wanna know the truth? For ever, no one can take his place on me, he always get some special place in my mind, my heart and my life.
Fav Note of me :
"I Miss You"

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